Bach Bibliography
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Author : Leavis, Ralph
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthorTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Leavis, Ralph[A response to D. Ledbetter's 'Bach's meaning?' (review of book by C. Booth), EarlyM xxxix/3 (2011)] Correspondence. [Kirnberger bought doubtful cantatas from Breitkopf for Princess Amalia's library] EarlyM 40 3 Aug 2012 544
2. Leavis, RalphBach. Correspondence. EarlyM 9 2 Apr 1981 283-284
3. Leavis, RalphBach's setting of Psalm CXVII (BWV 230). MLetters 52 1 Jan 1971 19-26
4. Leavis, RalphJ. S. Bach's Violone Parts. GalpinSocJ 30 May 1977 155-156
5. Leavis, RalphZur Frage der Authentizität von Bachs Violinkonzert d-Moll. Summary in English (p.131), French (p.133), Czech (p. 134) and Russian (p.136). [BWV 1052] BachJb 65 1979 19-28
6. Leavis, Ralph; Bullivant, RogerLobet den Herrn. [BWV 230] MTimes 110 1512 Feb 1969 153

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BachBib Search Engine 1at Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita